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What's been happening this week

What a week. It's definitely been a week of 1sts here at The Witch Bakes.

Firstly a 3d cake which turned out amazing.

Then a completely handpiped cake using Wedgewood pottery as the inspiration.

Much fun has been had and much stress. The dogs tail did not want to stay on the cake. But after a little surgery, the dog has now got 2 pins in his tail to save him from going through an involuntary amputation.

Next week is starting to look busy with the 1st cake going out on Monday.

There's a lot of exciting cakes coming up over the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled for that over on my Facebook page.

Next post will be an introduction so you can find out who I am, where I came from and what life is life for The Witch Bakes outside of work.

Until then, stay safe.

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